Thursday, June 24, 2010

Julia Gillard first female PM of Australia

A turn of events in Australia as Kevin Rudd former Prime Minister has been ousted by the Labor Party and voted in Julia Gillard as the new Prime Minister, making her the first female PM. The decision made based on popularity of Kevin Rudd declining fast on his tax policies. The lawmakers from the Labor Party move was a bid to revive the party's declining popularity in a year that will see federal elections. Kevin Rudd's fall has rather been sudden when the powerful players of the conservative faction moved to oust him.

Julia Gillard, born in Wales upon taking office made several sweeping reforms on the previous policies and soften the bite of mining supertax by compromising with the mining companies. The government hopes to come up with a consensus with the mining companies after several negotiations.

In light of all this, Kevin Rudd vacated his position without a fight has raised eyebrows of many Australians. Prime Minister Julia Gillard's appointment has also raised mixed feelings. The appointment was not made by the vote of citizen and many Australians would probably think that the appointment was not made in their best interest but Prime Minister Gillard has declared "I also certainly acknowledge I was not elected prime minister by the Australian people. In the coming months I will ask the Governor-General to call a general election so the Australian people can exercise their birthright and choose a prime minister.

Food for thought, is the ousting of Kevin Rudd done in the best interest of the party and people or it's in the best interest of the giant mining companies? Could the appointment of Prime Minister Gillard be a buffer against Rudd's bold tax policies? Whatever it is, the ice is pretty thin and one can only hope that the people will not be provoked. Best of luck to the new PM of Aussie!! G'day.

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