Wednesday, June 23, 2010

PUDU JAIL demolition - 21.06.2010

It saddens me to see the historical building of Pudu Jail being torn down to make way for road expansions and several other developments. The decision made by the government of Malaysia to demolish this building has brought massive mixed feelings among the citizens. While some regard it as a national historic treasure, others nonchalantly agrees that the building is a public eyesore and could make do without it.

Pudu Jail was build in 1895 and demolished in June 2010 has become quite a landmark for many Malaysians. I used to live a block away when I was just a little boy, the memories of commuting with my parents daily. However, I hope the governments decision was well thought and studied throughly with the implications and impact on society being considered heavily and not just based on monetary prospects. I can already imagine for the next 10 years, direction giving would be "You know where the pudu jail used to be?" and add another 15 years, "Pudu Jail?, what's that". God bless Malaysia, for whatever it's worth.

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