Sunday, March 13, 2011

Personality: Domains of Knowledge

There are various of studies in personality psychology, these varieties exist not because one perspective is right and the others are wrong, but it is because the differences in domains of knowledge. We can term domains of knowledge as areas of specialty in personality research and studies. Personality psychology is classified in to 6 domains shown below.

Dispositional Domain
Deals with ways how individuals differ from one another. The focus within this domain is number and nature of fundamental dispositions and measures the most important ways how people differ from one another. Therefore, it cuts across all domains.

Biological Domain
This domain's core assumptions are of biological approach to personality which are genetics, psychophysiology and evolution. These are the three main areas in this domain which looks into the human genetics, the brain and cardiac activity, circadian rhythms, hormones, and how human evolution have shaped the human psychological functioning.

Intrapsychic Domain
This domain deals with mental mechanisms of personality, many of which operates outside conscious awareness. Theories are very closely linked to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory. This domains includes defense mechanisms, repression, denial, projection, achievements, motives of power and affiliation.

Cognitive-Experiential Domain
This domain focuses on cognition and subjective experiences, such as conscious thoughts, feelings, beliefs and desires about oneself and others. It talks a lot about self concept and self esteem.

Social & Cultural Domain
How does culture affects our personality? This domain assumes that personality affects and is affected by, cultural and social context. A lot of study in this domain is made between culture differences and how personality is affected such as a culture that shuns aggression can diminish aggressive tendencies within an individual. At human nature level of analysis, all humans have common set of concerns as they struggle in the social sphere.

Adjustment Domains
Looks in to how personality plays key role in how we cope, adapt and adjust to events in daily life. Personality in this domain is linked to important health outcomes, such as smoking, drinking and risk taking behaviors.

By having an idea of the domains of knowledge in personality, we can now have a clear direction on what to look at when studying a personality. In a huge topic of personality, which is sum of various parts and connections it is crucial we understand fundamentals of each domain. On the surface, each domains don't seem to be compatible. Questions of how can we be rational and irrational? How can we be driven by desire and yet be in control? Examining deeper, we will find that these contradictions may be more apparent than real. It is possible that humans can have both and each mechanisms is sometimes activated in order for us to adapt and survive. By understanding these domains, it allows us to organize research and findings. I personally find that placing my own studies to these domains prevents overly abstract views when observing personalities. In my next post, we'll look into the 5 Factor Model and the traits associated with it. Till then,

Good day and happy reading.

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