Saturday, March 12, 2011


Defined as a set of psychological traits and mechanisms within the individual that is organized and relatively enduring and that influences his or her interactions with, and adaptations to the environment. On the surface, personality is divided into 7 parts. Lets take a closer look:

1.Traits => units of behavior. E.g, honest, hardworking, lazy
2.Mechanisms => tangible behavior that is measurable. E.g, temperaments
3.Within => behaviors exists within us
4.Organized => a series of behaviors occurring in order for our personality to be shaped
5.Interaction => influences relationship and our personality. E.g, perceptions, evocations, selections
6.Influence => how traits and mechanisms effects the personality of a person
7.Environment => personality shaped through motivations in the environment. 3 main environments are the intrapsychic, social and physical

Personality analysis can be summarized at three levels according to Kluckhohn and Murray(1948, Culture and Personality) which states;
a. Human Nature Level (like all others, universal)
b. Individual and Group Differences (like some others, variation in needs)
c. Individual Uniqueness (like no others)

With these basic introduction and definition of personality psychology, it will help us understand a little bit on how similar and different everyone is wired. Next up we are going to look into some of the domains of knowledge in Personality.

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